Gift Vouchers & Promotional Codes
- Why is my discount code not working? How to apply a code.
- My gift voucher does not work. What do I do?
- How will my recipient receive their gift voucher?
- When does my gift voucher expire?
- I'm ordering a e-Gift Voucher, why do I need to select a shipping method?
- Do you have any current promotions or discounts?
- Why can I not apply my Account Credit at checkout?
- Why do I have a payment pending on my account statement?
- Which payment methods do you accept?
- Will my order be processed in AUD?
- Why haven't I been charged 10% GST on my hamper?
- My credit card details are being declined. Why?
My Account
- How do I pay my Account Balance?
- How do I reset my password?
- How do I use the credit on my account?
- I paid the outstanding balance on my order, but the status hasn't updated?
- Why do I keep getting emails from The Hamper Emporium?
- Why do I keep receiving promotional emails / texts from you?