Should you wish to use the credit on your account to place an order, the process is fairly straightforward though should you need support, information can be found here: How do I use the credit on my account?
If your checkout amount is $0 and you cannot seem to finalise your order, we kindly ask you to follow these steps:
- Apply "Account Credit" as your payment method and the credit will automatically appear under as a payment method on the checkout page.
- Enter the amount you wish to redeem against your order.
- Enter your details for an additional payment method (credit card is suggested). This is so that your order is associated with a payment method.*
- Confirm & Process your order!
Should you face any complications with the above process, or simply wish to confirm with our team, please feel free to contact our friendly Customer Service Team!
* Please note that as long as your checkout amount remains at $0, your card will not be charged.
How do I use the credit on my account?