Have you received a hamper, but you don't know who from? That's okay, we can help!
We always recommend that our customers include their name with the card message, though sometimes oversights can happen!
Please reach out to our Customer Service team with the order number and they will be able to locate the order and let you know who sent you one of our luxury hampers!
The order number is located on the shipping label on the box and should be a number beginning with an HE. Please see the following example:
With this information, our team will be able to locate your order for you! If you have already discarded the external shipping box, please provide our team with the following information instead and they may still be able to locate the original order and let you know who sent you a gift!
- Recipient's full name, as it appeared on the shipping consignment label; and /or
- Full recipient address, that is to where the parcel was delivered.
How can I talk to a real person?
I have received a delivery notification, but what does it mean?