Please make sure you have considered the estimated delivery date or delivery window for your order. This is the date given to you at checkout and is an estimate only. If it is still within the delivery window or is prior to the delivery date, please wait until after this time has passed before contacting us.
As soon as your order has been dispatched we will send you a shipping notification email. A direct link to the courier's live tracking website will be included in the shipping notification email that is sent to you as soon as your order has been dispatched.
It is strongly recommended to continuously check the updated information provided by Australia Post, available via the tracking link provided upon dispatch. Alternatively, the information can be found here: Tracking Portal.
We strongly recommend downloading the free AusPost App, available for most smart phones. It allows for push notifications so you are kept up to date with any major status change for your deliveries: dispatch, tracking, delays and delivery locations.
If you did not receive any shipping confirmation or you cannot find any update on the tracking status, please contact our Customer Service Team.