Once your order has been dispatched (shipped) from our warehouse, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will include a live tracking link for you to access at any time.
Alternatively, you can use the Track Order page available through our website. You will need to enter the email address used to place the order, the order number and the delivery postcode.
Once you can see your order on the next page, on the far right select "Track Order" which will redirect you to our courier's live tracking website.
Tracking with Australia Post
We recommend downloading the free AusPost App, available for most smart phones. It allows for push notifications so you are kept up to date with any major status change for your deliveries: dispatch, tracking, delays and delivery locations.
Tracking NZ Deliveries
The best way to track your delivery once it has reached customs is through NZ Post. The most up-to-date information can be found here: NZ Post
Further Information
What types of delivery do you offer? What does it cost?
Why is my tracking currently unavailable?
My order hasn't arrived yet. What can I do?
Do you contact the recipient? What notifications do you send?